Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Daily Evergreen Online

This article by Jessica Ganje talks with us and the Market Manager for the Moscow Food Co-op, Britt Heisel.
The Daily Evergreen Online - Co-op market promotes sustainability 

The whole "Life" section of the Evergreen (WSU's Student Paper) covers all three Farmer's Markets this week!  Check it out!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Introducing: Ronn & Ginger Parsley!

We'd like to take a moment to introduce our new partners in farming.

Ronn & Ginger Parsley!

Ronn and Ginger are Jason's folks.  Over the course of the last few years, Ronn and Ginger have spent an average of 63 days per year working on our farm in bits and pieces on one project or another.  After being laid off last summer, Ronn decided he had had enough of the engineering and construction industry.  After many long and involved talks, the four of us have decided to work together in partnership on Omache Farm.

So far, things are working out well.  They have brought some new things to the table that are allowing us to take some larger steps in growth on the farm in order to become our main or only source of income for both families.  I am sure you will take the time to get to know them and enjoy the new offerings they are helping to bring to market each week.

Full biographies follow below:

More Publicity!

We just got the link to a new video put together by Stevee Chapman from KREM about us.  Very nicely done video!  Thank you to Stevee!

Local Farm opts out of Organic Certification