CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.
Sure, you could buy a CSA Share but perhaps that is not what you are looking for. Maybe you want to encourage your neighbor to try our farm at their leisure. Perhaps you are the parent of a college student freshly into their own apartment (with or without friends).
Our CSA Cards are plastic gift cards that can be purchased in person or from a distance by contacting us directly via email at OmacheFarm@gmail.com. Load or reload a minimum of $10 to a card and pick it up at one of our our Market Booths.
We also offer a Market Bucks program where a Large, Medium (or Small) share can be loaded onto a CSA Card with a 10-15% bonus. Check out our PDF Form. This program was designed in answer to those who wanted to purchase a CSA Share but weren't able to fit within a traditional style CSA.
If you have further questions, please feel free to email us or drop by the Pullman Farmers Market or the Moscow Farmers Market